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    Non-native, non-heritage fluent 2nd language - OLOP?

    @lokeangirl Yeah I read this but think there’s obviously a huge difference between someone who wants to learn French and myself who has spoken German for 20 years and is basically C2 just not “perfect”…
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    Non-native, non-heritage fluent 2nd language - OLOP?

    @atigreg Ok this is great to hear! The tip about finding local German families is a really good shout as well, I live in a small city so would be shocked if there’s not people around!!
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    Non-native, non-heritage fluent 2nd language - OLOP?

    @aldredian I’m at a point where there is no brushing up in me if I’m brutally honest… I’m always up for learning new words and take note when my emails get slightly corrected when I check them, but I’m so comfortably fluent I don’t imagine how I could sit and study any more grammar. Maybe if the...
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    Non-native, non-heritage fluent 2nd language - OLOP?

    New here so apologies if this has been answered before, but I’d love to get opinions. I’m expecting my first child and am English, but speak German fluently (studied at school + university and lived in Germany for 4.5years before moving back to the UK in 2020). I speak accent-free and understand...