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  1. J

    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @greykell I really feel this. The first month after my baby was born, he wouldn’t sleep longer than 15 minutes in his crib, half an hour if I was absolutely lucky. Post partum recovery was already tough as I had stitches, but on top of that I was so sleep deprived. As I was breastfeeding and...
  2. J

    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @graced1257 Honestly, I wouldn’t go through with this. It would be a funicular burden and potentially your newborn could get sick. Also at 2 months, if you’re driving you should hold have to take a break every 2 hours, as babies that age should not be in a car seat for longer than that. Plus...