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    PPROM at 33.1 weeks B/G twins

    @archeologistica My boys came at 26 weeks 2 days from PPROM—I told my OB I was noticing some fluid leaking and cramping, she said it was totally normal and not to worry. I went to the hospital anyway the following morning and my twins were already well on their way out—one guy was crowning. They...
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    36 weekers

    @monica123 I had my twins at 26 weeks. Yours were born nearly full term, so I would expect that you have a fairly uneventful NICU stay ahead of you. Every baby is different, so I really recommend being there for rounds and cares if possible so you can have a chance to hear more from their care...
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @phatdatlandsg This is awesome! I left my PhD program to be a SAHM for my twins and I’m so worried about how we’ll afford daycare when it’s time. Thanks for sharing the info here.