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  1. C

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    @hermit76 In hindsight, I wish I had skipped the infant seat and gone straight to the convertible. My daughter HATED the carseat so we never got the benefit of being able to leave her in the seat while sleeping to run errands or go out. She just screamed the entire time she was in it. Maybe I...
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    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @jesuslovesme527 This is a fantastic post. Thank you for doing this research and sharing it with everyone so that mothers can make informed decisions.
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @pmxcsed We have it set up to where the screen is off unless we turn it on or baby makes a noise. So it's not audio only but the screen is not on most of the time. I like it because it's usually off but if she's noisy I can look over from bed and it will automatically turn on so I can see if...
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    Infant Optics DXR-8 pro vs Eufy Spaceview pro?

    @pmxcsed I have the eufy. Love it, no complaints. It's got a great range so I can go outside to the edge of the yard and still use it. I noticed the comment on the battery life for infant optics so I will also say that our Eufy has a good battery life. I usually charge it at night but it can go...
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    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    @nosweargamer I don't think there's any reason that it would be an issue. This study about late implantation leading to a higher chance of losses did not find a higher chance of loss with early implantation. I had 2 8dpo positives, one ended in MMC and one ended in a living child. Both looked...
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @iaian I think that a lot of the sleep consultant info on the 4 month regression comes from Richard Ferber's book. For example, Precious Little Sleep specifically notes that her graphs come from his book, and Taking Cara Babies is well known as a Ferber ripoff with pretty graphics. I don't have...
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    15dpo VFL, could it be viable?

    @longwait This happened to me back in July (you can see the picture from 14dpo in my post history). It was a CP. There is pretty clear data that implantation after 12dpo is unlikely to be viable (cite). In your case, since you're just going by OPKs and not temping, there is a little more...