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  1. I

    Not pumping very much

    @dassahjoy I do a combination of both. I feel like he eats enough because he’s visibly getting bigger. We have an appointment tomorrow with his pediatrician because his reflux has gotten bad despite being on meds and me cutting dairy from my diet. So I guess we’ll see what she says tomorrow...
  2. I

    Not pumping very much

    @imsavedbyjesus Oh god I hope not! I’m still having mild postpartum bleeding
  3. I

    Not pumping very much

    @imsavedbyjesus Nope just milk directly from the breast and pumped breast milk in a bottle
  4. I

    Not pumping very much

    So my son will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday. He takes to the breast just fine and is mostly breastfed. But I do pump a couple of times a day so that my husband can bottle feed once in a while so I can nap. I’ve noticed the past few days when I pump I’m lucky to get 0.5-1oz per breast per 15 minute...