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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @rtjmrt I honestly think parents who claim their child sleeps through the night while not disclosing said child wakes up to feed during that period are the reason as a FTM I believed my child would be sleeping through the night by 6 weeks 🙃
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    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @nunon101 Amazing!! Hope it goes well for the rest of the day too!
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    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @nunon101 I can’t really comment on whether crying when waking from a nap means much because my baby wakes from every nap crying. Regardless of whether she’s had a long or short nap, if she’s had shorter or longer wake windows!
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    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    @nunon101 My baby’s actual age is a month ahead of yours but her corrected age is the same as your babies. I know every baby is different but those wake windows seem on the shorter side. Maybe if you dropped to 3 naps she can have slightly longer nap times and then may be able to last longer...
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    Formula math question

    @brynja Yeah i’m confused at the downvotes too 😂
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    Formula math question

    @levation1 2oz. That’s how much formula they’ve actually consumed. Even when you make a 4oz bottle & they finish it all. They haven’t had 4.5oz because you only added 4oz of water and 4oz of powder. The powder just displaces the water level slightly but it’s still 4oz.
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @fineandfaith My girl came out of her swaddle around 3 months because she kept breaking out of it 😂 I miss waking up to find her little Houdini hands poking out
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @fineandfaith What!!! So jealous 😂 My 7 month old just started doing long stretches. She sleeps 7.45pm-12am/1am feeds then up at 6am! At 3 months I saw every hour most nights 😭
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @jocelyn1 10pm to 7am with no wake ups sounds like an absolute dream lmao
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    My friend just said to me that her baby sleeps through the night with 2 night feeds. To me, sleeping through the night is not waking for a feed during their “bedtime” hours e.g. 7.30pm-7am What’s your definition of sleeping through the night?
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    Anyone with CMPA and FPIES.. what formula to use?

    @otim I’m from the UK so you may have different formula names if in a different country but I’m sure for severe CMPA the formula usually prescribed is Neocate, SMA Alfamino or Nutrimagen Puramino