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    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    @bloodboughtchad It's so wonderful seeing them grow. Enjoy the ride, just gets better and better
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    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    @bloodboughtchad Still in the thick of it (16 months) but when we decided to start cosleeping I'd read enough to guess we'd be doing this for the next 2yrs (saw enough stories of people transitioning around then) It's helped to have that in my head and plan on that (we bought a new bigger bed...
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    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    @yummymummy5 No one warns you that you get to hear them talking about their friends/songs/you in their sleep 😍 Typo fix
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    Baby is waking up every 30 minutes at night

    @paprikka By 6 months she should have a sleep cycle that is linked to sun light hours so it makes sense that she's struggling to sleep after sun up and she definitely shouldn't be sleeping in till 11:30am. What time are you putting her to bed?
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    Feeding question

    @falan Our bed's big enough that I feel safe having LO between us - I'm using my own blanket, LO is in my C cuddle all the time, my boobs are too small to lean over And have found husband is super aware of baby in the bed - often wakes up before I even do if baby can't find the boob, and...
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    For some easy to access science this podcast episode was great:
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    @jonathan98 Why would you make your life harder by not feeding to sleep. It helps you and baby is comforted and feels safe. My husband and nanny can put baby to sleep (assuming she's not hungry) by just walking with her so that's their method but I'm not making my life harder, I've got boobs so...
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    Sleeping on floor

    @danilog Not sure what a trifold mattress is. But for your own sake (so you get better sleep than on the floor) and safety (so no cracks/gaps) think I'd find a single or bigger firm mattress to put on the floor for both u and baby B to sleep on that together