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  1. R

    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    @katrina2017 Very complicated. I take them swimming almost everyday because they love the water and they get along and for the most part when we do things as a family they will get along. They will play together with their lol's, barbie dream house and babies but if my 4 y/o doesn't do exactly...
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    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    @yunderdahl0101 Lol I know some of it is just sibling behavior that I will always have to deal with. It must be my karma for fighting over the small thing with my sister growing up.. like hair elastics🤣 You really find a new appreciation for your parents once you have children of your own.
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    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    @ctrites I feel like my oldest is tattling because she wants her sister to get in trouble. Shes not understanding why we hold her to a higher standard (her age) I've tried to explain she knows better because of her age. It is so exhausting. I will try asking why they're tattling and see what the...
  4. R

    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    Hi Moms and Dads, I have 3 kiddos, 8 y/o daughter, 4 y/o daughter and a 2 month old son. My oldest daughter is with us M-F and stays with her dad on the weekends where she's the only child. I will also add that she is ADHD and is medicated. We lost my 4 y/o's father to suicide when she was 1...