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  1. M


    @dac12 I'm all for making things better but it's not clear what the goal of this meeting is. "Discuss the urgent need for paid family leave and sick days" sounds more like a venting session rather than a productive meeting to make change. I'm pretty sure everyone who would attend or consider...
  2. M

    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    @snpdoll11 I thought Jeep wagon stroller was a euphemism for huge stroller, but nope, it's a real thing 😂
  3. M

    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @sophie0813 Ok, I'm glad what I wrote is helpful. And for sure, knowing the root cause is important but it doesn't excuse the shitty behavior. I hope ya'll can work it out and he can be a better dad and husband.
  4. M

    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @sophie0813 Liking your job and liking your family are not mutually exclusive. I'm the working mom with a stay at home husband. I love my job and love being with my family. I take over for a bit when I get home to give my husband a break then we tag team the rest of the evening and on the...