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  1. S

    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    @nasusnuboc All I am saying it I wouldn't just to conclusions like she's a pedophile. Which is the impression I got from the OP. She was also washing her own son and maybe she didn't have anyone else to look the child so she just put them in together, it's a bit weird but I wouldnt go calling...
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    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    @nasusnuboc It's not some random woman, she is the mother of her child's friend from school, if she was helping out with the family she wasn't just a randomer.
  3. S

    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    @nasusnuboc Yeah sure and her 5 year old kid is soliciting girls from school with covid to lure into his mother's honey trap. Seriously, not everyone in the world is a pedophile. This woman was helping out the family, she has a kid herself who is friends with the kid. He can feel anyway he...
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    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    @katrina2017 I still think he is overreacting. It's not like the other mother did it for her own enjoyment, but probably just thought she needed a bath. I can assure you the only reason he is worried is because society has it in your head that everyone is some sort of pervert.
  5. S

    Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

    @spiritualgrowth I think you are over reacting. I am going to assume this woman does not show signs of being a child abuser so what exactly do you have an issue with. She was staying the night in the house, it's not strange for her to get washed while she is there. My nanny changed our LOs...