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  1. T

    5 months out - Progress update & my approach

    @katrina2017 Ugh, it's the pits. I had a bit over a finger of separation, but the DEPTH was insane. I could stick nearly my whole hand into my abdomen. I pretty much waited until things healed before starting regular core exercises. I was so afraid of doing permanent damage, especially because I...
  2. T

    5 months out - Progress update & my approach

    @katrina2017 Sure thing! Here are 3 that really helped me: 1) Core breathing. Breath in & simultaneously relax your entire core & pelvic floor. You should see your stomach inflate and feel your pelvic floor drop. Then, breath out & simultaneously pull your belly button toward your spine and...
  3. T

    5 months out - Progress update & my approach

    @de I stopped BFing a little while back, but when I was BFing, I bought a size up at Target. I only bought 2, so I was doing laundry more often, but really, I was doing that anyway. Most of what I have been doing is weightlifting, so bouncing isn't as problematic.
  4. T

    5 months out - Progress update & my approach

    Hi everyone! I have officially been a mom for 5 months now, and it has been quite the journey. I wanted to give a quick update about where I'm at, and also give you an overview of the approach I took to get here. UDPDATE: As I said, I'm 5 months out, and I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. I hit...