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    Glucose testing

    @jacob1996 It’s like an overly sweetened McDonald’s orange soda. It’s really not bad. Other than being bored waiting during the 3 hr there’s not much to say. I didn’t get nauseated or anything. I would highly recommend not skipping this testing as the outcomes of untreated diabetes is far worse...
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    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    @mousa I never really had it with either pregnancy, only threw up a handful of times and iron supplements caused a number of those. It was more queasiness/food aversions and some nausea, but never severe or to the point that I couldn’t eat or drink. It’s fine if you don’t have it, doesn’t...
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    Disappointed and no VBAC

    @ronyrex Can’t hurt to ask. My OB just told me that if I was at the point of needing a pitocin induction to deliver at 39 weeks then my chance of failure is so high anyways that the risk of pitocin isn’t worth it. So basically if the stars align and things work out he will let me try to labour...
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    Disappointed and no VBAC

    @ronyrex I’ve had one prior csection almost 4 years ago, elective for large baby. My OB told me this time vaginal delivery isn’t off the table but he had “rules” for it - I have to deliver before 39 weeks due to GD, if baby is large again then csection, and I have to go into spontaneous labour...
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    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    @taylors This. It’s a cop out from a lazy doctor in my opinion. From what I’ve heard, many places will not do IVF with a BMI above 40 but up to that point a good doctor will still try and evaluate and treat fertility issues. Especially considering that one of the leading causes of female...
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    @dm1057 I used both as well, especially with PCOS where ovulation is very uncertain. Definitely don’t just rely on apps to suggest when you ovulate based on cycle length because it’s not going to be accurate with PCOS.
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    Confused and need opinions

    @rajvir Blood is more accurate than a home urine test. What kind of test are you using? It’s more likely that the home tests are invalid/evap lines/etc than a blood result being wrong. Chemical pregnancy is also a possibility. ETA. Looked at your post history with the progressively lighter...