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    Baby Names

    @aniko Benson is a rarely heard name, so I like it based on its more unique quality. When it comes to Cambell, I hesitate to advise changing the common spellings of names, because it sets the kiddo up for having to spell their name out for EVERYONE for every school, work, and official filing...
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney It sounds like he's depressed and has anxiety. It's really good that he started therapy through his department-- maybe someone noticed he was struggling lately, or it could be mandatory. Either way, hopefully it's helpful. Police work carries pretty high incidences of depression due to...
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @sesquiterpene Agreed. I have had experience with both scenarios-- depression and affair (different partners), and this type of projecting screams depression and whispers affair. My bet is that his mental health isn't doing so great with all the recent changes, rough work schedule and high...