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  1. D

    When did your wife start to feel kicks?

    @davidspetri I can’t remember exactly but it was definitely well past 20 weeks. I want to say it was around 22 weeks. She also had an anterior placenta. I couldn’t feel it myself for several weeks after she started feeling him.
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    Does anyone know if r/daddit is coming back?

    @justusinchristsettlesall I support blacking out “fun” subs but I think blacking out support communities is a bad call.
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    How much parental leave did u take?

    @aihi Take all of it. I got 12 weeks and took all of it plus another few days PTO. I would have taken more unpaid if I could afford the cost of insurance during that time. The cost of missing out on that time is far higher than the cost of some assholes viewing it negatively. If you’re at a...
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    How many NB and 0-3 months clothes, socks, caps have you been stocking up?

    @hariwahyudi Our baby was 9lbs 9 oz so the only newborn items he ever wore were a couple pairs of pants like twice. Thank god the nb clothes we had were given to us for free. Unless you expect the baby to be small, I wouldn’t buy much newborn, if any. The Gerber brand clothes run small so I’d...
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    How many NB and 0-3 months clothes, socks, caps have you been stocking up?

    @baptisedjew We had the exact opposite problem. We got gifted an excess of small stuff that the baby grew out of quickly. I guess people only go one way or another.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @augustcomposure Sex assigned at birth, by definition, is only referring to genitals. If he was referring to gender, he would have said that. Also, context. He has familiarity with being a guy, what he doesn’t have familiarity with is having a penis.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @augustcomposure Ease off the Fox News, my guy. OP said he’s nervous about having a boy because of unfamiliarity with those genitals. Nothing he said even slightly indicates that he would try to influence his sons gender identity or expression.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @lookingforhope47 A lot of folks here have already said this, but you’re not really far off from cis dads having a boy in terms of experience. I certainly don’t remember being potty trained, so my experience being potty trained as a boy isn’t going to help me potty train my son. While a bit more...
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @weemo It could be worded better but I feel like it’s pretty easy to infer it means not consent to anything non medical.
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    Boy (Trans) Dad

    @weemo Consenting to medical treatment for your child is very different from consenting to a cosmetic procedure.
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @javier_is_life My wife’s scheduled C section recovery was so much easier than everyone we know who had a C section after laboring. Our baby was looking really big and the OB said we were looking at a 50% chance of C section even if we did try a vaginal birth, so we decided on scheduled. It was...