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    How would you respond to this?

    @newfoundlight10 You know what? I used to be a music teacher and I had one particular class that was absolutely terribly behaved. 8th graders. They were not that well-behaved as 6th graders and they got progressively worse. Every teacher in the school knew this and commiserated about it. One...
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    Actual baby essentials?

    @bbfantastic Moses basket or bassinet, Diapers, wipes, Bottles, Clothes (duh), Soft toys, Board books to read, Baby Bjorn bouncer bliss chair (for when baby isn’t sleeping)
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    If you have 1 SAHP and 1 Parent working full time…

    @akdamar I’m going to be totally honest with you and my situation is probably not typical, but basically I’m the SAHD and my wife works a very stressful and intense job. My breaks are few. I don’t get help with the housework or chores. I’m always on duty. Occasionally I’ll go to the gym while my...
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    How often do you get pushed over the edge and what do you do to stay calm?

    @dovelove514 Thank you. It’s the ultimate stressor. Ugh.
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    How often do you get pushed over the edge and what do you do to stay calm?

    Fellow SAHPs, I need your advice. Context: We’re the only ones on the playground. I forgot we had stupid water balloons in the stroller, but my kids didn’t. So I indulge them by doing water balloons. We’re five minutes from home so it’s fine, but later on my 1.5 y/o has taken off her shoes and...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @mendicant Oh yes it was a set table with a cloth napkin that was holding utensils lol
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    How do you stay calm all day?

    I’m the SAHD, my wife works full time, kids are 5.5, 3 and 7M. I love them so much and I’ve been the SAHP for over 3 years now. But they all seem to be trying my patience; my 3 y/o thinks it’s hilarious to not listen to me, my 5 y/o half the time refuses to listen to me, and my 7M old is super...
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @dither She parents like a 1950s man. She wants to have time off when she’s off from work and not do anything in terms of actual parenting work beyond reading and doing light homework with the older kids. Like she wanted to take them out earlier but wouldn’t get their socks, shoes, coats on —...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @reneewly Thank you. I appreciate you. With my 7 y/o I think it is mostly hunger. I got her some fries on the walk home before going right out to the playground, but I should have taken them all home and stayed there and made her a cheeseburger. That’s what I did today. She absolutely needs...
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    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @grahamvanhellsing Right, it’s just there is some sort of high conflict personality at play here or inner conflict or something within her. She told me last week it would be great if I could have brought home a bag of stuff from our old apartment (we’re trying to get it entirely cleaned out). I...
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @seekinggracefully This book has been recommended to me before and I really need to read it. I am positive this is my wife.
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @seekinggracefully I absolutely do. I have thought this for some time now.
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    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @rhoda8931 I’m so sorry. The curse of invisible work and those who don’t recognize it. When Covid first hit and everyone was suddenly at home all the time, my wife commented what a mess the place was and why wasn’t it clean and I said: “Cleaning up is what I do all day when you’re at work and...
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    What do y’all do when your wife is away on a business trip and you’ve got all three kids 24/7?

    Bedtime is the most difficult. I have a 7/5/2, all trending up. My two year old either doesn’t nap for multiple days or naps one day for 3+ hours. I’m juggling everything.
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @sj123 I’m starting to wonder. She is definitely intense.
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    How would you respond to this?

    We live one block away from my 1st grader’s school. Sometimes we are late to school, as in like 30+/- minutes late. This is due to these combined factors: my 5 y/o doesn’t go to bed early, doesn’t get up early, doesn’t move quickly in the morning to get through the routine and get out the...
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @looploop The child who went on the playdate has an ear infection only and isn’t contagious but I agree she was trying to do too much that’s for sure.
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @mrlutrinae Thank you. It is hard. No, I know about the “normal person” thing and of course she’s just a kid who has been at school all day (and we are either way cutting back or eliminating after-school clubs starting next week). The thing is that these eruptions from 7 just come out of...
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    What would you have done?

    @tigggertat Thank you. You’re absolutely right, sometimes they just cannot listen. And even in these times that can be truly maddening we have to of course continue to act in their best interest.
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    What would you have done?

    @jewels777 Thank you for this. Shortly after this happened, once I got my 5 y/o in her car seat and we had both calmed down, I did apologize to her and what I said was almost word for word what you wrote. I couldn’t agree with you more!