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  1. J

    2-2-5-5 schedule with a 6 and 9 year old. Please share your wisdom about what I can expect down the road

    @fellowheirs We started with 3/4/3 and moved to 2/2/5/5 after about 6 months. We are 5 yrs in (kids 16, 13, 10 and 7) and I much prefer 2/2/5/5. Due to vacations and such, we’ve ended doing week on/week off here and there and I’m just not a fan. I really like having set/consistent days so I...
  2. J

    50/50 Schedule that has both parents knowing all the kids activities?

    @billquinn I’ve done 5-5-2-2 for several years now and it works great. I have every Mon/Tues, dad has every Wed/Thur and we alternate Fri-Sun. I love that I have set days, makes it easier to schedule things in the future. Ex and I both attend almost all games and school events, regardless...
  3. J

    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 I said “unless a vacation causes a change”. We pretty much decide when we want a vacation and if it overlaps w the other parents time, we get the ok before booking the vacation. We both work from home and our kids are 7-16 so we don’t need childcare. Similar to OPs kids’ ages...
  4. J

    Vacation Posturing

    @needsomeadvice My ex and I follow the regular schedule all year long (2-2-5-5) unless a vacation causes a change. We do ensure one has Xmas Eve and one has Xmas day but really, that’s it. It’s easier for us to just stick to the schedule and being divorced, celebrating holidays on the actual...
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    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 This is the first time I’ve read that you committed to working doubles vs “I was planning to work extra to catch up”. To me, big difference. The response to daughter is … mom has typically taken this time so I’ve committed to working doubles all week and won’t be home. We’ll...
  6. J

    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 I think you are still in the mindset of “if they are out of school, I have to take PTO”. I feel guilty too so I get it. But your kids are 12 and 15. They can stay home solo while you work. You are not required to take PTO when they are off school and with you.
  7. J

    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 Totally get it… I think I’d let the kids know you two always split the time and have committed to working long days since you had them the first vacation. It does suck that your ex even made this a situation and got the kids involved.
  8. J

    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 Kids are 12 and 15. Can they not stay home solo while you work and you take the time with them?