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    SUV for tall husband with second row a/c and good gas mileage

    @tdear25 Look at the MSRP and gas mileage on the minivans vs the giant-er SUVs that you'd have to compare it to in order to get the same features, and even still, at the increased expense of purchase and fuel, you're not going to get all the positives that come with a minivan, like your careless...
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @english_episcopalian Congrats on your "real" twins!
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @yogaflame That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @trusaders I try not to think about her thinking about my (())
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    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @schawinga Oh this is an easy one. We were traveling and stopped at a Wal-Mart in Missouri to buy diapers. Had both girls in the cart as I was checking out. I shit you not, this actual conversation happened: Cashier: How far apart are they? Me: 16 minutes Cashier: Aw, man. So close. They...
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    SUV for tall husband with second row a/c and good gas mileage

    @gabrielbarry I call mine the microvan.
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    SUV for tall husband with second row a/c and good gas mileage

    @katrina2017 They aren't elastic waist pants! They're Kirkland signature performance chinos!
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    Positive Vaginal Delivery of DiDi twins!

    @smf97 Best possible experience here, too! 4 hours total, no epidural, v delivery 16 minutes apart.
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    What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

    @igbokwe Or just play dumb like you don't understand the question and when forced to elaborate, they realize how inappropriate their question is.