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  1. C

    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @damarisbelieves I did not say this and she does not babysit him every day. Hardly ever. I'm home by 4pm daily. He's 5 years old. He feeds the dog, cleans up his room (puts toys where they belong) and makes his bed (as best as he can considering his age). He isn't physically capable of...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @danny7995 She does take candy and snacks up to her room without me knowing. The other day I walked in and there were about 20 candy wrappers buy her computer. She is not on meds for ADHD. One of the doctors determined that her ADHD is a form that accompanies anxiety. I'm not really sure the...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @anita5050 Thank you so much. So, your child does 2 chores a day? Dishwasher, and then chooses another one from what you wrote? For a total of 5? Sorry, just teying to understand, and if thats the case, That seems doable for me. One issue with my daughter and the "clean spaces" chore is...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @danny7995 She is seeing a therapist for other issues. And her therapist takes more of a holistic approach, so it's not just all talk therapy. We are not going to do medication right now. We tried medication for anxiety in the past and neither of us like the way it made her act or feel. Yes, I...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @danny7995 My problem is not that she can't motivate herself to do chores. It's the fact that even if I tell her to do the chores, or I help her do the chores, they still do not get done. This isn't about her going off on her own and saying oh let me go clean my room, let me mop the floor, let...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @notbob She took it in school as part of a class. Hers is ENFP outgoing, creative, perceiving, flexible, adaptable, charismatic, curious, Challenges: need time alone, dont do well with routine tasks, disorganized, easily bored, emotional, poor practical skills, inability to focus...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @notbob I never criticize, I always say thank you. I even help her sometimes. I've tried to talk to her about responsibility. Things like telling her she needs to prove __ before she can do ___. But I will see about letting her choose and prioritize. She is quite complicated. I never...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @anita5050 Thank you, this is really helpful.
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @layner Thank you this is very helpful. I do help her at times, and she seems to appreciate it. I can understand how having to clean a messy room creates more anxiety, because she has no idea where to start. Deadlines are definitely something I have never thought about.
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @david90 Ok, maybe not an hour straight, but something, like maybe a list of things for her to do. I rarely ask her to do much.. Load/unload dishwasher Wipe off the table Put laundry away Give her brother a bath I don't make her cook, do dishes, scrub anything or bathrooms, etc. None of the...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @konsciencia Thank you, Sounds like a good idea I'll have to try.
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @ralf624 I haven't nornally made a big deal about her room, but I feel it's almost ridiculous at this point. There is sometimes no walking room becasue of so much clothes on the floor. She definitly has enough furniture and room for everything to be put away. Sometimes I help her and it takes...
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    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    My daughter is a straight A student, and does really well socially. But I am sick and tired of her sense of entitlement and irresponsible behavior at home. I admit that I have let things slide and get put of hand, but I am not convinced that all is lost. Today she was home for 6 hours by...