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  1. K

    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 I had the choice, and I knew I couldn't mental game being a mom and working at the same time. Glad some people can, but my mind would just never be on whatever I was supposed to be doing. Also, I hate having to do chores on the weekends/nights. I do also like spending time with my...
  2. K

    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 My husband works, and as he says, so do I even though I stay home. We take every other baby wake up. I go first, as often the baby will only wake once at night now. When the baby was a newborn, we split the nights. He takes ALL of the 6 year olds "I got up to pee and now I need help...
  3. K

    Trying not to feel guilty sending my 4yo to school

    @bonitadan OMG I also thought this was going to be a one kid and preschool thing and I mean, I did it, I didn't have my second till my first was 5. You totally shouldn't feel bad about it. My son learned so much at preschool! Not academics necessarily but like... how to zip his own coat which he...
  4. K

    Quality over quantity?

    @jesusisking123 I'm a SAHM with one. People keep being like... "what are you going to do when he goes to kindergarten." Answer is - whatever the fuck I want. I stay home with my son because I really really want to. I still want to after he goes to school. When he starts kindergarten, I'll still...