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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @dorcas_12 Thank you for your comment. That makes me feel better. This evening, I had my husband try to put her down for a nap. After 15 mins I took over but didn’t nurse to sleep. It took me another 15 min and a pacifier and a rocking chair but it worked. I think my husband just needs to work...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @morganlee I really think she does because I’m the same way and have hated naps my whole life.
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @morganlee I so wish my daughter would fall asleep in the stroller. She hates it. She has always fought naps. Even with me when nursing to sleep she fights them. She likes her carrier but gets fussy when she gets tired.
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @ab2015 I think she’s definitely tired as she gives us her cues. I really believe she truly fights it sometimes. She hates being read to because she doesn’t like to be still. It used to be that I could never put her down for a nap the same way twice in one day. We’d do a carrier nap and then...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @limpingtowardsorthodoxy I agree it’s too early. My keeps finding sources that say it isn’t though. Thanks for your feedback. I may try to unlatch her earlier a little at a time.
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @lenetra I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’m glad for you that you have support. I think that’s probably the toughest part for me. My mom makes it work but husband blames me and FIL has mentioned CIO which I’m like you and I just can’t take it. I’m just going to keep holding my...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @kenosis I guess that is just it. It is not working for everyone involved since I work.
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @cuinthecreek Thanks! I’ll give these a try!
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @cuinthecreek Do you have any recommendations for finding a middle ground? What do you when others have to put your son to sleep?
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @keziahnz I usually sing “you are my sunshine” to her. I’ll have my mom and husband try that. Thank you!
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @thomasjh I really should try that. I really just don’t want to listen to my husband complain and make me feel like I’m parenting wrong. :/
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @thomasjh Thanks for your feedback. I feel like out situations are similar. I think that part of the problem for my husband is that he only watches her those three day a month. My mom admits it’s tough for her, but she seems to be more successful probably because she watches our daughter a...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    Any input is appreciated. My husband has been trying to convince me to sleep train our 4 month old, and he will not let it go. Here’s the background info: I chose to bed share and I BF except for the 3 days a week I am working. My longest shift is 6.5 hours. My mom watches her two days a week...