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  1. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @mcg1102 Thank you!! i don't know, you're still a genius to me. I would love any insight from experts, this is all new to me and the total lack of info from DH's doctor has left me confused, and also extra grateful for help on the internet!
  2. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @teadrinker Thank you, again, for all this useful info. You have been so helpful and, by far, way more informed than my husband's doctor! He was taking a couple vitamins and we just added some supplements to the mix, so between that and giving up weed entirely I'm hoping that his numbers will...
  3. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    /@teadrinker one last thing, along with basically asking for a diagnosis (even though I shouldn't) above - for the morphology numbers, they reference 1% being normal forms and 5% being immature forms. So that's only 6% total... If the morphology test only considers the ~21 million motile sperm...
  4. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @teadrinker Hm. Sounds like it is, overall, pretty grim then. Total count isn't awful (but isn't good), and there are not very many sperm that are motile. And based on the morphology, most of the sperm are abnormal. Well shit. You mentioned IUI, which I'm also learning more about (I'm more...
  5. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @teadrinker Thank you so much for commenting, I really appreciate it! And totally respect the need to take some space away from these posts - thank you for helping me, I'm really grateful. You clearly are a sperm expert - I'm trying to figure out where you got some of the numbers and I'm...
  6. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @ka__f Thank you! A sperm expert I am not, and would so appreciate any help! I posted this in the infertility sub too but TFAB is where I (all of a sudden) feel at home.
  7. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    /@mcg1102 could I beg you for a minute of your most helpful insight here? I did post this in the /r/infertility sub too, but you know, you're a genius so...
  8. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @teadrinker That makes sense, thank you! I understand the limitations with the data too - there would be so many different combinations that would lead to different results, and beyond that of course each couple is different.
  9. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @teadrinker So if they did mean concentration, does that mean SilverBea's math was right and the total count in the sample would be 52 million? And the fifth percentile - that means 39 million would put a man in the fifth percentile for count, which is quite low. Correct? Sorry - my...
  10. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @rooted Thanks very much:) I posted this in another sub and someone there said the sperm count doesn't get multiplied by the sample size - so the results in the second SA are 26 million, not 52 million. I'm not sure, the way the results and measurements are laid out isn't clear. Hopefully we can...
  11. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @rooted Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. DH came home from the doctor super bummed because the numbers looked bad AND he didn't understand them - his doctor had him leave confused and disappointed, so the last couple days have been pretty rough. This is really helpful...
  12. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @rooted Thanks for the insight - question though - 52 million is coming from 26 x 10 to the power of 6, which is 26,000,000 and then multiplied by 2 because the sample volume was 2 mil, correct? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just haven't seen an example of an SA laid out like this before...
  13. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @ka__f Both samples were given offsite and quickly delivered to the lab at our local hospital. They were given about two weeks apart, so not long enough for a new life cycle of sperm generation. After the first SA results were in and (poorly) reviewed with his doctor, DH (finally) quit smoking...
  14. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    @christfollowergift Thanks very much, good to know your DH had a similar experience. I assume more SAs are in his future - hopefully the first one was just a bad day.
  15. N

    Help interpreting SA, please and thanks?

    My husband has had two SAs done, a couple weeks apart. I'm glad he did two because the first one seemed really grim - I think the second one isn't as bad but I'm having a hard time interpreting the results. His doctor couldn't tell him much, and couldn't explain his morphology results at all...