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  1. F

    4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!

    @em20 My midwife tried to talk me against it, but I’ll pick one up today and see if it helps ☺️
  2. F

    4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!

    @pelipeli Thankyou! X
  3. F

    4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!

    @youarewelcomenow03 I’m sure we will! It can just get quite stressful when he’s crying and unable to latch! We’re obviously still working on getting that perfect latch and we’ve mastered it on the left it’s just the right now! But with being so engorged it’s been a little sore but I can’t see...
  4. F

    4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!

    @youarewelcomenow03 I didn’t try no! I’m still getting to grips with everything but I find easiest for latching in cross cradle then I swap arms to a cradle hold and lie back. Football hold for me can be quite difficult as I have quite small boobs so we’re still trying to master that one in a...
  5. F

    4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!

    Hi all!! I'm a FTM to a 4 day old so completely new to breastfeeding! My plan is to be exclusively breastfed until little one is 4 months or so when I plan to return to work. Yesterday (so day 3) my right breast was extremely engorged, so I was hand expressing and massaging my boob to work the...