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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @lupuswarrior Great workout 😁 I tried today awake and she was trying to push herself out of the carrier 😅😅😅 I guess we need a bit more getting used to, I think she doesn't like feeling restricted?
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @al333 Aha! Maybe I give it a shot again 😁 I currently put her in the carrier before her nap, she starts screaming but calms down once we're outside and then falls asleep. Maybe it would work when she's awake 🤔
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @al333 Does your's tolerate it while awake? My LO is 4mo and I can basically only use it when she's napping. Of course she hates her stroller as well 😅 so I struggle getting out while she's awake!
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    10m baby can't sleep without being rocked

    @forwardslider Hey, first of all you did nothing wrong and by no means have you spoiled your child. Of course she loves being close to you and the boob. That's obviously familiar and soothing to her. Also we all do what works, sometimes there's not so much choice 🙃 We stopped co-sleeping around...
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    First time pregnancy experience

    @thorpe Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story! 😊