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  1. S

    Wife is 7 weeks pregnant. When does the anxiety go away?

    @allenard77 I’ve got two toddlers. I’ll let you know when the anxiety goes away.
  2. S

    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack My daughter (24m) had stayed quite a bit, but not with any regularity. My son (9.5m) has only stayed over once but it was for a few nights. Honestly My wife and I were recently talking about how we don’t take advantage of her parents enough and I think we’re going to try to make it...
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    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    @stassit I wouldn’t stress too much about screen time, especially if it’s something like Ms. Rachel. My daughter turns 2 in September and has had probably the average to slightly above average amount of screen time in her life. But most of it is Ms. Rachel. And I honestly credit Ms. Rachel for...