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    Husband forgetting to turn oxygen on

    @stumblingman Yes, works in lots of areas!
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    How would you respond to this?

    @ajewelinhiscrown If this is not your strong suit, I think you take them up on it. They may have some great ideas. Regularly being late is disruptive to the class and your daughter is missing out. Not to mention, I'm sure it's embarrassing and stressful for you. It needs to be a priority, but...
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    Husband forgetting to turn oxygen on

    @jtmorris Something that works pretty well in our house is saying or counting the steps aloud. For example, I would count aloud the number of scoops of formula I was putting into a bottle, or say aloud the steps when I'm drawing up medication or doing a tube feed.
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @misseldiva Yep. Australian, I take my little one to the follow up appointments mainly for science at this point since we see so many doctors and therapists outside the follow-up program, but I would absolutely not be paying for the privilege.
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @hyacynthia Your feelings are valid and your trauma is real. It doesn't matter that someone else had a similar experience and didn't experience it as traumatic. Fuck them for suggesting you shouldn't feel as you do. There are soldiers in the same unit and one can have PTSD and not the other...
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    Today I decided to stop parenting my spouse

    @bpolst This is extremely healthy and mature of you.
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    27 Weeks 1 Day

    @mtol118 Congratulations! It's a tough journey but it's so worthwhile❤