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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    @katrina2017 never managed to pass ahead 7 week and no heartbeat all three times :(
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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    @jkhaemba Thanks...My doctor has started Clexane Injections also (one daily). Quite painful but he says it is necessary for thinning blood as I have two minor Thrombosis factors also. However, on the leaflet it is written, it is preferable not to administer Injs during first trimester. I am...
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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    @jkhaemba today i had my third B-hCG test. Value 9971... is it increasing too fastly? previous: 2/12: 1868 30/11: 644
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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    @jkhaemba They said so....May be start me on progesterone also. I don't know...last time value was 54,000 when it stopped...keeping my finders crossed
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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    @jkhaemba I am doing that. My initial level was 682 and 48 hours later yesterday it was 1800.... imagine my agony and fear...If it goes up too fast, I am in trouble (sings of Molar Pregnancy) and if it goes too slow again I am in trouble (signs of Missed Pregnancy). May Allah S.W.T help me
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    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    I am super nervous. 5 years into marriage, by the Grace of Allah S.W.T, I got a daughter within first 8 months (pre-mature). We took a gap of 2 years and started again...First attempt and I was pregnant within first month but at 6 weeks came to know that its a 'Complete Molar Pregnancy' very...