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  1. S

    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @bacsb00 So we had the idea of having him earn TV time.. he LOVES watching tv. We bought some wooden coins on Amazon and told him if he was able to stay in his bed at night alone, he would get a TV token in the morning and he could redeem it after daycare. So far it’s been working! Lol we had to...
  2. S

    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @srjoanna This exact situation is currently happening with our 2 yr old. What’s been sorta working is telling him way ahead of time what gonna happen that night “when it’s time to sleep, Daddy is gonna go bye bye and you’re gonna sleep in your bed alone” and we keep saying this during the...
  3. S

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker I gave birth at 40+3 and mine went down similarly - labored 12 hrs, 30 mins of pushing! First time I was induced and put on pitocin, which I hated.. so this time when I started experiencing contractions on my own I wanted to see how far I could go without an epidural. I tried...