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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @bskicrash1 If I’m getting the conversion right, 150 is way too much and could interfere with your results. I believe ug and mcg are the same thing, and the recommended daily is 0.03mcg Here is an article about how it can interfere and the dosing...
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    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    @bskicrash1 The actual value this early doesn’t mean much. Some people haven’t even had implantation yet at that point. However, I looked at your tests to see like progression since you should start to see some progression after 3 days of positives. I believe I’ve seen other people in the...
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    What is going on

    @yommie I’ve had pregnancies where spotting led to miscarriage and pregnancies where spotting led to live birth. I’ve had pregnancies with no spotting at all that turned out to be a missed miscarriage. I’m on my 5th pregnancy, 1 living child, and they have all been drastically different. My...
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    First early US: what to expect?

    @taramiss Not your question but just wanted to assure you that some of us are just hit with bad luck and it’s not reflective of your future chances. I also have 1 LC and then had two losses related to random chance chromosomal defects. It’s my understanding that monosomy x is one of those...
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    7 day doubling time

    @apologeticsguy Is your OB ordering your HCG? Or just your progesterone? It is very very odd to have HCG checked once you can detect a HB on ultrasound. Like, pointless. In fact, HCG will start dropping between 9-12w. It doesn’t just continuously double. There is nothing that HCG can tell...
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    7 day doubling time

    @apologeticsguy Is your OB ordering your HCG? Or just your progesterone? It is very very odd to have HCG checked once you can detect a HB on ultrasound. Like, pointless. In fact, HCG will start dropping between 9-12w. It doesn’t just continuously double. There is nothing that HCG can tell...
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    hCG rising but not doubling. Miscarriage risk?

    @gentlemangamer At this point betas can’t tell you much and you should have an ultrasound to know what’s happening. I had spotting and bleeding from 6w-13w with my LC and with my current pregnancy (almost 16w now). Oddly, they both started at exactly the same GA (6w3d) and both ended almost...
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    Low sperm count & motility - is this fixable?

    @rickylee Only throwing this out there in case it applies - my husband’s SA came back with low motility after one a few years earlier had been normal. He had been on a low fat diet for a few weeks during this second SA and apparently a diet restrictive in fat/calories can reduce...
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    @josephjurg Thank you! That’s consistent with what I’ve read regarding oral vs vaginal blood levels.
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    @catz Thank you so much!
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    @catz Do you know what your levels were while on the supplements?
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    @choosejoy22 That makes me feel better! How far along were you when you stopped?
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    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    I’m on pregnancy 5, 1 living child. Currently 8w1d. Had brown watery discharge at 6w4d. Saw baby with a HB of 153 at 7w1d. Some background: I had a miscarriage at 9w4d on 12/1. Conceived first cycle after period returned, positive test 1/16 and we had a consult with an RE scheduled to discuss...