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  1. H

    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @opir Yeah, my daughter had impetigo on her finger and I freaked because I'd recently had a cold sore (I'm HSV1 positive too) because it looked so much like herpes blisters
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @opir Yeah my daughter has HFM at the moment and it started with blisters in the diaper area that look a lot like early herpes outbreak blisters. It could be so many things and unless one of the primary caretakers has HSV and maybe touched their mouth during a breakout before a diaper change ...
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @danagirl I mean chickenpox is herpes zoster so same family. There are so many things, so many different viral or fungal infections this could be... I'm shocked at the doctor jumping to conclusions and making a diagnosis that can't be made by the eye!
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    “mY kId iS sUcH a PiCkY eAtEr”

    @syncakes I'm sorry. Hugs. Please know that just because first born is picky doesn't mean that number two will be. My friend has two kids polar opposites. The older kid lives on bread, chicken and chips. The younger one will eat literally ANYTHING. You just never know what you're gonna get...
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    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @sherryamber I don’t feel guilty as my doctors and my daughter’s doctors were clear about this with me from the beginning. My daughter’s pediatrician even told me “now go have a glass of wine to celebrate “ after he did our fist home visit when she was 4 days old and checked latch etc (he’s also...
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    For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

    @mmelanie My kid was desperate to show two women her new strawberry coin pouch today. She's 2.5 yo and these women not only didn't answer her but literally shoved her out the way and nearly knocked her over (and no she didn't touch them, block their path, touch their stuff or otherwise bother...
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    School board just voted in favor of 4 day school week for next year

    @katrina2017 US school sports is nuts. In Italy where I live the sports are separate from school and it works well to be honest, but you have to find a school that does a ,5 day full day week because way too many still do the old 8-2pm Monday through Saturday thing and you're uncovered for...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @katrina2017 Yeah as a European this screamed overscheduling to me.
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    Anxiety of not know if the pregnancy is going fine or not

    @thongcongnghetcucre See if you can get private ultrasounds without paying too much if it's causing you a lot of anxiety. In my country we have very, VERY regular ultrasounds and no damage to the babies, so it's perfectly safe to have some extra scans for peace of mind. Either way, I get you...