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  1. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    @thedao Thanks! Sorry if this is a really obvious question, but have you tried tracking your calories? I was eating really healthily and exercising a lot at 6 months pp and still didn’t start actively loosing until doing CICO. But then you’re also BF, which makes weight loss harder for a lot of...
  2. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    @petie1106 Calories In Calories Out, i.e tracking your calorie intake and energy expenditure.
  3. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    @martinhero I started getting a dragging feeling in my lower abdomen walking around the farmer's market at 6 days pp 🙄 then felt something "go" when lifting the stroller onto the bus 🙄 a few weeks later. I was also doing far too much around the house trying to make things look good for the...
  4. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    @martinhero Solidarity! I had a quick stalk of your post history and we seem to be around the same age which probably doesn't make things easier... But you'll get there in your own time! A word of warning though... You're so early on, please take things easy to protect your pelvic floor (even...
  5. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    @chance7 Yup, EBF for the first month and then combo until month five or thereabouts. Not sure if there was any impact on weightloss or not as I didn't start CICO until six months pp.
  6. T

    One year down the line, back to my pre-baby weight!

    This morning I saw that I’m back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, just a few days short of my baby’s first birthday! I’m so pleased and proud of myself as this was my goal all along (see a starting out post here). I lost 20 lb (out of 40 gained) in my first month pp and my weight then pretty...