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  1. H

    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    @acuriousgirl Mine gets escalated when I say things like “I hear you” or “I know you really want to…” so my only choice that helps me stay calm is to stop responding. She stays upset for another 10-15 minutes or so, usually.
  2. H

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @bhaskar I’m in the same place. I have a genetic abnormality and am a carrier for spinal muscle atrophy, and both things can be fatal in the first year of life(depending on the type of SMA). I have a CVS in about a week and a half and we’ve already discussed that we would terminate if either...
  3. H

    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    @acuriousgirl I think there’s a middle ground. You don’t need to ignore unwanted behavior, but you also don’t need to invite it. For example, when my 2.5 year old starts melting down, it’s either over pretty quickly or it’s massive. It’s easy to tell which it will be in a few minutes, so when...
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    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @katrina2017 I mean, it’s very accurate, but I think it’s important for people to understand the difference between screening and diagnostic. If I didn’t have two genetic issues, I’d have gone with the NIPT and been fine with just that.
  5. H

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @katrina2017 Just to be clear here: NIPT is a screen, NOT a diagnostic test. It can asses your risk, but you will only know for sure if you have a CVS or an amnio.