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  1. J

    It gets better

    @billycress It does get so much better. Went from not finding time to shower or eat to having time to actually get ready for the day, exercise, cook, etc. Everyone hang in there. But also, feel all the feels while you're in it because it can be really freakin hard.
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    Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

    @richyken First of all, so sorry for your loss. Regarding the doctor thing, I am 99% sure that ultrasound techs aren't aloud to confirm anything, and it has to be the doctor that diagnoses the mc. At each of my scans there's been a tech and a doctor, or the doctor comes in right after to discuss...
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    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @idiotonabike Fresh air is great for babies! It helps get them vitamin d, and the natural light helps build their circadian rhythm. We started taking walks at 3 days old. It's important to protect your mental health, and the four walls of your home get small quickly. Some days, even a quick...
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    Thinking about going full formula

    @chaz1268 I planned on combo feeding for the first 3 months. But in the immediate PP period, I struggled to keep up my supply because I was barely sleeping, eating, or staying hydrated. I stopped nursing altogether because he wasn't getting enough and just pumped, and then my pumping sessions...
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    When to expect “firsts”

    @linley First smile was at 7 weeks, but he didn't start smiling consistently until around 10/11 weeks. First laugh was at 15.5 weeks. I noticed that he smiled and laughed in his sleep starting a couple weeks before he did it while awake, so it sounds like your LO might be ready to break out the...
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    F U one liners for more kids

    @steinem27 I went through IVF too and I like to say "so do you have an extra 20k lying around to help us pay for another kid?"
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @wonderdove Drowsy but awake doesn't work for young babies that aren't unicorn sleepers. I'm so annoyed at all the marketing around "oh all you have to do is follow wake windows and put down drowsy but awake". It's working for my son now that he's 4 months and can self-soothe, but it definitely...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @yamfood You're welcome. If you have a partner and aren't exclusively breastfeeding (even if you're able to pump bottles or offer formula at night), I'd suggest taking shifts during the night. I wish we did that from the beginning. Even if naps are off during the day, if I get at least 4hrs of...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @atlanta I wish anyone, just one person, told me how complex baby sleep is. My son slept decently for the first few weeks...could put him down in the bassinet for bed and naps if needed, and gave us at least 3hr stretches at night. Then he awoke to the world around 5 weeks and WOULD NOT SLEEP...