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  1. M

    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @garnett64 Love this idea, I’m in the same situation to on as OP. Last week I pulled out our camping gear and made a tent in the living room. Going to set that up as a monthly ‘camping trip’ for cosleeping
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    Just found out my girlfriend is pregnant. Help?

    @hopeful4cure Lots of advice in here, if I can take one item off your worry list: You mentioned PCoS. Your doctor can advise more formally but my understanding is this has zero impact on the baby’s well-being. PCOS in essence makes it harder to conceive. So in your list of worries you can...
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    Just found out my girlfriend is pregnant. Help?

    @chickadeegrace ye I think about that a lot. The age math is scary, “wait how old am I when they’re in college?…oh damn I’m a sack of bones..”
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    Just found out my girlfriend is pregnant. Help?

    @chickadeegrace heck yeah, a positive spin is really necessary (and you’re exactly right! Being a younger father sounds like it has lots of benefits!)