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  1. J

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @samira742 Yeah, it’s nice you’re understanding about it. It’s tough to realize you’ve emotionally matured past your parents at like… 9 years old (in my experience anyway.) I’m glad she hasn’t made any catastrophic oopsies! You’re a good sport about it, but it’s hard to carry it all sometimes...
  2. J

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @samira742 Couldn’t she have just mailed them back to you? Buying and entirely new (inferior) set, even the cheapest on Amazon was less than a small flat rate box? Also how does someone accidentally pack towels in their suitcase to go home? ETA: I remember my mom giving me a towel when I...
  3. J

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @dj1skywalker Sometimes the marketing does the opposite SO LOUDLY! I thought the same thing about “shop like a billionaire” but also- billionaires don’t buy disposable clothes and plastic crap. If they buy a can opener, it’s not one that’s going to break and need to be replaced. It’s QUALITY.
  4. J

    Update: The message I sent my therapist. This was hard for me to do, but thank y'all for giving me the courage. ♥️

    @djseb YOU GO GIRL! What she said was inappropriate! She can believe whatever she wants, but her OPINION isn’t part of your treatment plan. It’s actually the opposite of what you needed. She needs to refresh her boundaries and get her head in the game trying to help you feel LESS crummy about...