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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @bernard_the_seagull This age ain't for sissies! Thanks :)
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @bernard_the_seagull I've heard this....but it sounds like my daughter's periods aren't heavy. In some cases, they only last 1 day. I'm not against the idea of putting her on BCP but I just want to make sure we're addressing the right issue.
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @bernard05 Can I ask what prompted this decision?
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @brendabree Thank you!! We saw an Ob/Gyn last year who specializes in teens and young adults so I have an appt to see here again in November as a follow-up. But I may also look into seeing an endocrinologist on the side as well.
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @nmb Thank you! I definitely am going to ask about the ultrasound at the next appt!
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @katrina2017 She plays on two soccer teams (so near daily exercise) and we keep a pretty healthy house in terms of food and snacks. My hubby is a bodybuilder and I do workouts at home, plus all of the cooking. Not trying to sound obnoxious, but we're pretty dialed in to eating balanced meals...
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @postimpatica I never said I overruled my pediatrician. We were seen by an OB/GYN who specializes in teens and young adults. Last year, it had been 2 years of irregular periods. This year, we're at 3 years of irregular periods. I'm not a physician, but that seems like a long time. Do you...
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @bogdan Thanks. I wish I knew what bloodwork they did last year, having a hard time getting access to her medical records. As far as I know though - there isn't a 'test' for PCOS, right? It's more a syndrome-type thing (you have all these symptoms, so we're saying you have PCOS?) Or is it...
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @halceko19 We talked about PCOS at her last appt, but said it hadn't really been enough time. I'm definitely going to bring it up again in November.
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @xylophoio Good ideas - thanks!
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @xylophoio Hi there! I finally got the lab results from last November. It looks like they did in fact, test her TSH +free T4, DHEA-sulfate, testosterone, FSH, prolactin and estradiol. Everything was in the range for "normal" - but her testosterone was right on the line. Her level was 12...
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @xylophoio Ahhh, ok so there are some initial hormone levels to look for. That may be the blood work my daughter had done last year. And the endocrine information is helpful too. Thanks so much!
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    @xylophoio Thank you! We had bloodwork done by an Ob/Gyn last year who sees adolescents (and I'm in the process of trying to get my hands on those actual medical records to see WHICH tests were run). We have another appointment to see her again in November. The pediatrician mentioned the...
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    15 yr old & menstrual issues

    My daughter is 15 and her cycles still don't seem very regular. She has gotten her period for 3 years (almost exactly). We went to a GYN last year, who did some basic blood work, and everything came back normal. She told us that it can take "a few years" for cycles to regulate. Well, it's...