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  1. T

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero Not what you asked, but Central America is not a country.
  2. T

    Considering quitting to SAH- looking for perspective on kid in full-time daycare

    @billyli If money is not an issue, and it sounds like it wouldn’t be if you can afford daycare on one salary, you could keep him in daycare but reduce the hours he’s in. Maybe put him in like 9-2 or something. You’d be paying the same rate, but if he doesn’t need daycare but you still want the...
  3. T

    Considering quitting to SAH- looking for perspective on kid in full-time daycare

    @billyli Why not have your kids in part time daycare?
  4. T

    New SAHM depression

    @heremiah Could you drop your fiance off/pick him up a couple days a week so you aren’t stuck at home?