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  1. D

    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @rainah I’m already seeing a therapist for other things, so I guess I’ll just have to add another issue to my subscription.
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @theend123 Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. And I know it’s probably a combination of both the BF and the lifestyle her dad has offered her. You say I’m strong... I don’t feel it at the moment. So all of the strength and love you send my way are most certainly welcomed!
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @livingontheedge The hardest thing right now is getting the motivation to pull myself out of this slump long enough to get started on things that I’m sure I’d enjoy (and that I used to enjoy.) Depression has a way of making you lose interest in things that you use to enjoy, ya know?
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @livingontheedge Each day gets minutely easier to do this. I know with time it’ll get better. I do need to find a new goal, though. Since most my energy has been spent raising her, I need to figure out what it is that I want to spend all my energy doing now that she’s gone.
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @junejer Thank you for this. At least I know there’s hope (for both situations!)
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @ephremhagos Thank you for showing me there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s so hard for me to accept that there will be a new “normal” now. I just want things the way they were, just like you! But it’s out of my control now and I am going to have to talk to my current therapist about all...
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @laurapalooza I’m in therapy already for other things. I haven’t been attending (via teleconference) as often as I should lately. I need to get back on a regular schedule with that.
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @laurapalooza I hope I can do just that, once I can get over this grief. I’ve kind of resolved myself to thinking that I just need time and that hopefully with each passing day the grief will subside a little bit more and I can find myself again.
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @fritzc We do. FaceTime, text, Snap, and just talking. But it’s not the same.
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @fritzc Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. As for dance, she isn’t going to do it anymore. She decided not to register over in GA. Even if she had, I can’t afford to go visit her over there. I don’t fly for free since we divorced years ago. I don’t know how I can still be a part of...
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @mgrennell I feel your pain... except I can’t imagine having to go through it 3 times!
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @ralf624 Thank you. I do hope I did ok in parenting her. But doling out advice is much easier than taking it yourself. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
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    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    I have one bio kid (the 17yoDD), 15SD who doesn’t really like me and isn’t interested in having a relationship with me even though I just want to be there for her and give her love and who is here every other weekend and on Wed. and Thurs. nights) with my BF, 16SS/13SD (who I used to still have...