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  1. D

    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    I think the take-away from your post is that our bodies and ttc is more complex than I ever imagined. Although we have experienced losses and I cannot imagine you must be going through, our bodies are pretty incredible and I hope you have great success in the future! Thank you for confirming...
  2. D

    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    @mcg1102 Thanks for weighing in! Yes, definitely not common “generally speaking”. Again, fortunately the answer will have no outcome on my past, present or future. Just curious! Hope to be back to this group with a positive long-term outcome soon 🙂
  3. D

    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    @mcg1102 Hi developmentalbiology. I genuinely appreciate your speedy response. I typically have the same facts in the back of my mind, but upon digging in the literature, it seems that this is not always true. (Some not-so-light reading: hCG and fertility after d&c.90383-1/pdf) AND ovulation...
  4. D

    Could I have ovulated BEFORE a D&C (blighted ovum)?

    I want to start off by saying, this community has been my rock. Thank you to everyone! This is my first time posting here - please redirect me if this is inappropriate in any way! I hope this post answers questions of at least one other struggling person and I am hoping for some answers too...