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  1. G

    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    @chapisag Oh I would definitely cut travel. My son was in the NICU when born. Both of his cove mates were premier born to mothers that were traveling. One was 34 weeks and traveling for work when she went into labor here in MD. I think she was from Florida. The other baby’s mother was from...
  2. G

    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    @chapisag I know the feeling. I was in a job I hated and was trying to leave but just couldn’t find another good fit. Then I got pregnant and told myself I just had to make it until the kid was here. If you’re dealing with more sickness and fatigue, can you see about a note from your doctor...
  3. G

    I was led to believe he completed the second check after vasectomy, I am now 5 days late

    @sweetiicake He’s not going to be sterile after test one and fertile after test two. Men are given multiple tests because it’s not uncommon for men to still have viable sperm in their system at the three month point. Two of my friend’s husbands had to go for a second test because they were...