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  1. J

    C-section advice

    @wandkrie I really doubt the scar tissue part. A good pelvic floor PT will teach you how to massage the scar tissue and release it. There are also videos on YouTube. Sometimes they also offer electric current therapy to release it another way.
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    C-section advice

    @wandkrie Has she seen a pelvic floor PT? Scar release massage can help.
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell Absolutely not. The reaction is a big red flag to me. I'm pretty easy going and I truly think that most people are inherently good, but it's just not a risk I would take with my baby. This seems like a very cut and dry common sense thing to me.
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    All moms have 9 month baby l will die by anxiety

    @ericanicolee None of this sounds very abnormal to me (although it's somewhat difficult for me to understand your writing so maybe I'm missing something). If you are really concerned, you sound talk to your children's doctor and have them evaluated.
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @mahyrah I would tell them in that scenario your options are to either neglect your job or neglect your baby. Which would they prefer?
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    Personality quirk? Or something more serious?

    @b55 7.5 months is very young. Waving, clapping, and pointing typically come a few months later. The rest I wouldn't read too much into. Babies are changing all the time and go through different phases. It will pass.
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @misslou What do you want to do for yourself?
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    Sleep Sacks: Can someone explain TOGs to me please?

    @kw_pt1287 Yes it's based on temperature not just the season. A lot of people live in older homes that are poorly insulated and more expensive to heat in the winter or which heat unevenly. It's important to know the temperature in the baby's room specifically so you can dress them appropriately.
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    Absolutely insane digestion

    @gordondb It can be normal. Hormones really mess with digestion. I'm someone who often gets period diarrhea, so I wasn't surprised to find that my digestion was screwed up not just during pregnancy but postpartum as well. If you're concerned, talk to your doctor. They may be able to recommend...