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  1. S

    Unmedicated birth advice

    @catholic2001 I had one medicated and two unmedicated births - first unmedicated happened because I progressed too quickly and there was no time for an epidural. Second time I really wanted to hold off on medication for as long as I could and lo and behold baby arrived very quickly again so by...
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    Time to start correcting mistakes?

    @ofelixculpa Így szokott ez lenni! Én 10 évet húztam le Angliában de még mindig nem sikerült teljesen levetkőzni az akcentusomat (pedig keményen dolgozom rajta). És bevallom néha amikor gyorsan beszélek én is összekeverem a személyes névmásokat. A férjem (német anyanyelvű) évekig járt...
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    Time to start correcting mistakes?

    @ofelixculpa Hi, I'm a Hungarian speaker in a primarily English speaking environment. It's also my 3 year old's strongest language. However, he also frequently uses the mixes up pronouns. I usually gently correct him and advise everyone else to do so as well. He would then normally repeat the...