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  1. T

    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @manga006 Least favorite - cluster feeding for 8 hours at a time. Most favorite - when she first smiled. It was the start of her evolution from lil’ potato to interactive baby. 😆
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    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    @bigskyguy76 I always say that if it is important enough for people to see your kid, they will find a way. Especially under 1 year and having a valid reason to not bring baby to them, which you absolutely have a valid reason. If they really want great grandma to spend time, they'll find a way to...
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    Favorite parenting resources for boomer grandparents?

    @wwwhhh You have Boomers in your life receptive to this? That would like actually read a book or listen to a podcast if you asked them to educate themselves with it? Sorry, if this is the case, my mind is blown. lol.
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    Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

    @samie My baby is about the same age. We've never been apart for more than a few hours. I still breastfeed too (no pumping or bottle. Just boob. lol). You are not being crazy and unreasonable at all. Forgetting about breastfeeding for a second, even if you weren't, 2 weeks is a really long time.
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @cubcadetlover She's with me. Probably will be for a long time. 😆
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @opinionsareopinions Most of the world doesn't even know what sleep training is or thinks it is a crazy concept if they did hear about it. Your kid will be fine if you don't sleep train. I didn't do any. My girl was the worst sleeper her first year, then at 13 months she miraculously started...
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @aussiebanana That's what I thought at first too!!! I'm a side sleeper, so I figured how different could the C -curl be. But one day I slept while my husband had the baby. I slept normally, and it was like yeah, it's totally the position. 😆
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 I don't remember exactly, but somewhere near 9 months. One thing that helped me was a foam pillow between my legs to take some of the pressure off the lower back and hips. The pain was so bad from C-curl. I'd wake up every morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck, like full...
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @phaeton So profoundly sad. And even sadder that it is so mainstream. In most parenting and mom subs comments like this would be downnvoted to oblivion and argued with. It is so common here in the US that I've noticed people don't ask "if" you're sleep training, they ask "when". As someone who...