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  1. V

    SIUGR baby

    @eb3 How are B’a dopplers? If B has some intermittent absent flow, it can still stabilize. We had sIUGR and week 17 and 18 were the worst. We’ve never gone below 5%, but my bigger twin was in the 90%, so the discordance was about 35% at its worse. Things started improving after 19 weeks and I...
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    Every item we've used for our 2-month old so far

    @jouredgette That's a more important angle of looking at it for sure. Definitely do not want to give a baby children's Tylenol dose of infant Tylenol. That's where the danger is, not the other way around.
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    Every item we've used for our 2-month old so far

    @jouredgette Children's Tylenol (for 2yo+) in Canada is actually less concentrated than the infant one, so you can use it for babies, but it will not be as effective. This was explained to me by an ER doctor. LO was running high fever, but outgrew the max infant dose by weight, so she...
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    @nirgman Thank you! Luckily, so far it’s rarely an issue for us to get our LO to go back to sleep as well. Fingers crossed he’ll start sleeping longer in between feedings!
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    @nirgman Did you do sitback for all night feedings or just the first one? Did it work for you?
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    @ineedjesus1 Thank you. I really hope our LO will get over it just as easily. He will usually wake up if the pacifier falls out during naps, so we have to reinsert it. During nights, he does not seem to care if he has it or not, so we don’t want to introduce it and then be on reinsertion...
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    @honestsisterinchrist No, never heard of her. Thank you.
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    I just finished the TCB course for 4-12 weeks. Our son is 6 weeks old and is a good sleeper overall but does wake up every 2.5 - 3.5 hours to eat at night (I breastfeed and he gets a bottle of expressed milk for a dream feed). We want to start practicing sitback to see if we can lengthen the...
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    Q - 4 months regression & Timing of Sleep Training

    @zelena_sljiva It talks a bit about the regression, but mostly it is about teaching good sleep habits. If you don’t mind spending the money, I would definitely recommend getting it just for the clarity of things and knowing that you’re moving in the right direction. It contains a very well...
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    Q - 4 months regression & Timing of Sleep Training

    @zelena_sljiva We moved our LO’s bed time from 10pm to 7.30pm gradually over several weeks. We started working on it at about 10-11 weeks. Not every night was a success, but now he sleeps 7.30pm to 7.30am with two wakings for a feed at 16 weeks. According to most sleep resources I’ve read, 11.30...
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    How do I stop feeling absolutely awful about not giving my child a sibling?P

    @missaqua I (34F) am an only child. I don’t speak to my dad and my mom (who is also an only child) lives on another continent. I am so happy with my partner and my little boy who is now 10 months old and will likely be an only child as well for the same reasons as you mentioned - I don’t think...