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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @servant15 She’s been a total mama’s girl always and goes into full meltdown mode when dad goes in/comforts. I’m the only one who can put her down too. We still try all the time. It’s rough!
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @mazince514 I’m with you 100%. I know it’s a bandaid on a bigger issue, but I’m so tired to be facing/thinking about these bigger issues in the middle of the night!
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @kingdomkings “Don’t offer a feed until 1am”… I genuinely need to know, do what instead? I’m having similar issues as OP and it will not only be hysterics if I don’t nurse, she would definitely not sleep. I keep reading about 5/3/3 and do not have any clue how to settle her when she wakes around 10.
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @mattjstead Ugh! Sammmmmme. 😴
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @reddwarf Damn, sorry to hear. What do you do if they wake prior to 12? I don’t know how else to settle her besides the boob!
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @cindyfernandez You are a baby sleep hero. Thank you!!!
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @cindyfernandez I have wondered that too, the only issue is her first ww of the day she definitely gets cranky if we even push it ever to 2.5 🤔 the last feeds been 30 minutes before bed for a couple weeks now. Although I only realized maybe 5 days ago that it should finish 30 min before, so...
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @cindyfernandez Actually, I’m going to try 2 naps today. We’ve been skipping that last one so often anyway because it’s hard to get- so let’s see how this goes. Thank you for the advice!
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @cindyfernandez Definitely last night was teeth. *but edit to add, this no- settle behavior happens more often than teeth, at random * The crying was in between a few minutes of dozing here and there. Schedule is age appropriate I believe, we’re at 2.25/2.5/2.5/2.75 (or 3). She’s 7 months. I’m...
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @cindyfernandez Hi again 🤪 To clarify: “addressing this” in your sleep guide (which I’ve read so many times in the last couple months I should know by heart!) as you mention-do you mean you address night weaning? I think this is the issue I need to deal with. I’ve started by working on breaking...
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @mazince514 That’s a good idea for you to try to space them a little more. And why not give it a try- can’t get much worse, I figure! 🫠 good luck here in the trenches 🫡
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    6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

    @mazince514 Are you me? My baby is 7 months and last night was really rough, so I came looking to read (or post) about the same issue- how to troubleshoot! Last night she woke at 10, 12, 3, 5 and wake 7. Most nights are usually 10, 3, wake at 7, but it feels like things are getting worse and...