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    1 and 3 year old. What do we doooo all day!?

    New SAHM here. I have this awesome list of tons of fun places we can go and things we can do. Turns out it’s really exhausting going out with a 1 and 3 year old. And especially with the weather turning I’m needing ideas for more things we can do at home. My oldest loves games and art but my...
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    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    @cakemom The HANGRINESS! Yes! I keep tabs on that for the kiddos but forget about myself too.
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    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    @jod4711 Thank you! I told myself I'd wait until a year is up and then make a decision. Going to try my best until then...
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    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    I’m struggling lately. My 4.5 and 2 year old are really wearing me out. I was so into gentle parenting before I decided to stay with them (about 6 months ago) and now I just fly off the handle and yell. They fight with each other all the time. Before they were apart much more and so there wasn’t...
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    Join brand new UPK?

    Would you join a brand new Universal PreK being offered by your town (through YMCA)? We love our daycare, but the preK would be with kids from our school district and offer a chance for something new. The UPK is obviously free but before/after care is not. Just wondering what else you’d consider...