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  1. C

    BFP the day we moved into our first house! Plus a LOT of line porn

    @katrina2017 Well I didn't ovulate until CD 23, so CD 37 was 14 DPO. Browsing through charts on FF, I've seen BFPs much later than that!
  2. C

    BFP the day we moved into our first house! Plus a LOT of line porn

    @changesforrachel I noticed that too! Hoping we keep riding this wave and everybody gets a BFP!
  3. C

    BFP the day we moved into our first house! Plus a LOT of line porn

    So I've waited about a week to post because I'm still kind of in shock. I posted earlier this cycle about my confusion about my chart. I think I ended up missing my LH surge with OPKs. But I definitely ovulated, because I'm definitely pregnant! Some background info: 27, TTC #1. I took birth...