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  1. L

    If you dont control the house, the house controls you

    @giangnt Haha no its fine! Don't be nervours, it really is easier than you think!
  2. L

    If you dont control the house, the house controls you

    @giangnt My older two are 10 and almost 8. School takes us till lunch time usually and then we are all ready for a break when the toddler goes down for him nap after lunch so I built his naptime window to be down time for everyone. I will grab a nap, eat some cookies, even bake, because I...
  3. L

    If you dont control the house, the house controls you

    @giangnt I have three kids and pregnant with number 4. All the housework falls to me, simply because my husband works a lot. I homeschool our oldest 2, so the house is in a constant state of being lived in. I try to keep it as picked up as possible, but I don't get every room swept every day...