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  1. J

    Advice needed

    @44sunset Thank you! I’m hopeful my body will be on the upswing once July is over lol As for the diapers…I bought them new from GMD and prepped them per their instructions. I think it was a cold rinse and then wash dry wash dry times a million or when water no longer rolled off. When I prepped...
  2. J

    Advice needed

    @cees Okay I can definitely lanolize again and get some boosters! Thank you for the recommendation. I’m going to post some fit pics later when she gets up.
  3. J

    Advice needed

    @cees I had a bad hemorrhage and ended up intubated and need a few surgical repairs to my uterus and then 3 weeks later hemorrhages again and needed surgery again and now I’m looking at another repair and my gallbladder removed. It’s been a mess. Thankfully my baby is knock on wood a super chill...
  4. J

    Advice needed

    Before I delivered I had all the intentions to use cloth. I got everything I needed. I was planning on using Prefolds and fitteds with a mix off wool and regular covers. I ended up having some very severe complications postpartum and was in and out of the icu for the first 6 weeks. My baby is...