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  1. L

    My intro post... O_o

    @jccarlos26serra Thank you tricky!! I feel like I am dreaming, not sure if it's the hormones but I want to cry everytime I look at my tests again!!
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    My intro post... O_o

    @adaloudis It's such a weird feeling, isn't it? I am still checking the same tests I took nearly 9 hours ago to make sure this is reality!!
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    My intro post... O_o

    @bodyandblood Thank you!
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 So happy :) your bit about your husbands face - I'm feeling extra emotional today so that kinda is making me well up.. hush!! Congratulations :D
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    My intro post... O_o

    @johnboy99 Thank you! I'm still in disbelief, but now I know why the digital picked it up, I feel pretty gross today!
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    My intro post... O_o

    @katrina2017 I was shaking and crying :P I honestly thought this day would never ever come!
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    My intro post... O_o

    @oseas Thank you muchly! :)
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    My intro post... O_o

    @ljclo ello! thank you!! :)
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    My intro post... O_o

    @livinfree52 Thank you! I remember you too :)
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    My intro post... O_o

    @timechangers Thank you :)
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    My intro post... O_o

    @kaieraai Thank yooou :)
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    My intro post... O_o

    @jrm36 I did! Thanks for the reminder. Got a composite filling instead of silver
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    My intro post... O_o

    @bnj Thanks! :)
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    Have I O'd?

    @joshuabell Yay! Love seeing that smiley face :D Yeah my CM hasn't been that great this time around, last cycle I had loads of EWCM around O and we timed it perfectly and no BFP, so I don't think it's the only thing you should rely on, that smiley face knows what's up so get to BDing :D
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    My intro post... O_o

    @katrina2017 Silly! I'm sorry (but not really hehe)
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    Have I O'd?

    @joshuabell The smiley face is the clear blue brand, I use those, and yeah I don't mark as positive until I get the smiley either, you know for sure with those :) Fingers crossed you get the smiley after work!
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    Have I O'd?

    @joshuabell Hmm this time I only got 1 or 2 definite +OPKs, and a smiley face one morning, I must have short surges! I don't want to sound patronising, I hope it doesn't come across like I am, but are you making sure the test line is as dark as/darker than the control before you mark as...
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    My intro post... O_o

    @bisi007 Wow what a lovely name! Glad you are doing well, must have been scarey at the time!
  19. L

    Have I O'd?

    @joshuabell Oops I meant to reply to this but I'm at work and closed the tab! Anyway was going to say, that means you have 13/14 day long LP which is plenty enough to implant :) yeah SMEP is exhausting! I tried to last cycle but decided to take it a bit easier for this one.
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    Have I O'd?

    @joshuabell Mine dipped for a few days just before I O'd, it could be that you are about to but haven't yet. Have you been using OPKs this cycle? It doesn't look like you have O'd yet imo, you could be slightly late in O'ing this month. Also from what I know, that weird pain you...