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  1. W

    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @torn12 Do you think it impacted how you approached sleep right from the beginning? I thought it was a helpful chapter but would've loved for it to be fleshed out some more with some more real life examples of what it looks like to not try to control sleep. I know it seems it should...
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @torn12 I just finished that section. I guess worse thing is we try it and it doesn't work haha. Did you follow her recommendations? How'd it go for you?
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @torn12 Oh that's awesome! I'm about halfway through the audiobook and have been wondering if there's a sleep section. Thanks!
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @hopeatl I just came across that book and wanted to check it out. I'm home with her and my baby all day. I feel like she gets some decent one on one time with me but it's possible that what I think is enough isn't enough for her. Thanks for all your ideas ❤️
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @hopeatl It's often screaming/tantrums the whole time. We will have to physically hold her down to get jammies on. When it's more calm it's like what you described as saying no and not wanting to follow instructions.
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    I'm not sure where the best place to post this is but I appreciate you guys so I thought to ask here. My almost 3 year old used to go to bed so easily. A little protesting here and there but nothing like what it's been for the past 6 months. With occasional exceptions it's pretty much a fight...
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    Need your thoughts, prayers, and/or good vibes

    @montexss I just prayed for you guys and I'll continue to.